Tag - Dr. Joe Dispenza

sun shining through misty forest

Using the Mystical Experience to Become More Purpose Driven

Imagine if you were able to enhance your senses by 25% - and not just your 5 physical senses, but your intuition and psychic senses as well.  What impact would this have on your life? There are well-documented cases of a mystical experience occurring within folks who have had Near Death Experiences (NDE’s).  In many of...

young girl holds light in her hands

Law of Attraction Masterclass

There is an intricate relationship between the primary law, The Law of Vibration, and the secondary law, The Law of Attraction. The key to effectively utilizing The Law of Attraction in order to manifest your dreams and desires lies in your ability to modify your personal ‘vibration’ in order to attune yourself to the vibration...

person walks toward earth

Harness Your Energy to Awaken Your Mind – Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dolores Cannon stated in her book, "The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth", that as we begin to notice the ascension of human consciousness into the New Earth, we will notice the physical effects as our vibrations and frequencies increase. 2020 has been a crazy year. We're only half way through...

shadow of person overlays planet

Recognizing Signs from the Creator

As we begin to break through the barriers that keep us disconnected from our higher selves, we begin to see subtle synchronicities that indicate that our connection is growing. It's during these moments when we are reminded that our efforts are not in vain. This is when we know that the magic is...

Morning Meditation by Dr. Joe Dispenza

The above meditation is a shortened version of the morning meditation narrated by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Use this meditation as a way to overcome yourself and start your day off on the right path. Enjoy!For a full morning and evening meditation, please click hereVideo Credit: Unlimited Motivation

shadow of person meditating in lotus flower

GOLOV-20 Guided Meditation

In this guided meditation, Dr. Joe Dispenza takes us on a journey to spread love to others. Using this meditation, you can use your energy to 'infect' someone of your choice with the energy of love and therefore increasing the energetic vibration of folks around the world. The goal is to reach more...

dirt road winding through trees at dusk

Positive Energy Guided Meditation – Dr. Joe Dispenza

In this guided meditation, Dr. Joe Dispenza guides you in this beautiful 30 minute long meditation for positive energy and positive changes. He will take you on a journey of joy to shift your energy to one of positivity in just a few minutes. As you listen to this 30 minute guided meditation, allow yourself...

shadow of person meditating at dusk

Overcoming Yourself During Quarantine – Dr. Joe Dispenza

It is said that if you want to solve a problem, you cannot do it from the same mindset that creating the problem in the first place.  This applies to the circumstances in our outer reality as well.  If we want to change the circumstances of our lives, we must change our personality. During these times,...

man and child walk on train tracks at sunset

GOLOV-20 Message from Dr. Joe Dispenza

In Dr. Joe's message below, he provides us with an update on the status of his GOLOV-20 movement. Thanks to all of the efforts of people who have participated in this, we have successfully exceeded the target of 500,000 people affected by this work.As Dr. Joe mentions, this is an ongoing work,...