Guided Meditations

This is a catalog of a series of some of YouTube’s best guided meditation sessions.

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Quantum Jumping Meditation by Your Youniverse

Through this guided meditation, Your Youniverse guides you into your subconscious mind in order to tap into the quantum field and jump into a parallel reality. Quantum Jumping has become a very popular subject within the esoteric community and is being practiced more often in modern society. This is a very powerful meditation...

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Past Life Regression Meditation by New Horizon

The best selling author Delores Canon popularized the idea of connecting with your subconscious in order to explore your past lives and you time between lives. As a result, more and more people have become curious about how their past lives are affecting the circumstances of their current life.In this meditation hosted by...

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Spirit Guide Meditation by Jason Stephenson

Jason Stephenson takes you on a journey to meet your spirit guides in this wonderful and relaxing meditation. This meditation lasts about 37 minutes. You can enjoy more of his meditations by going to his YouTube channel at Jason Stephenson. Enjoy!

Morning Meditation by Dr. Joe Dispenza

The above meditation is a shortened version of the morning meditation narrated by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Use this meditation as a way to overcome yourself and start your day off on the right path. Enjoy!For a full morning and evening meditation, please click hereVideo Credit: Unlimited Motivation

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GOLOV-20 Guided Meditation

In this guided meditation, Dr. Joe Dispenza takes us on a journey to spread love to others. Using this meditation, you can use your energy to 'infect' someone of your choice with the energy of love and therefore increasing the energetic vibration of folks around the world. The goal is to reach more...

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Positive Energy Guided Meditation – Dr. Joe Dispenza

In this guided meditation, Dr. Joe Dispenza guides you in this beautiful 30 minute long meditation for positive energy and positive changes. He will take you on a journey of joy to shift your energy to one of positivity in just a few minutes. As you listen to this 30 minute guided meditation, allow yourself...

Special Release – Third Eye Meditation

In this guided meditation, Your Youniverse provides a special release meditation to activate the pineal gland and open your 3rd eye in an effort to raise awareness.  Your Youniverse is one of the most influential channels on YouTube dedicated to expanding Human consciousness.  This meditation uses specialized meditation music to help stimulate higher awareness and place...

Guided Meditation for Manifesting Large Sums of Money

This guided meditation is brought to you by Brian Scott, author of The Reality Revolution and host of The Reality Revolution Podcast.  In this meditation, he takes you through the most effective mantra/affirmation for manifesting large sums of money.  Brian's meditations are some of the best on YouTube, so I hope you take some time...