Guided Meditations

This is a catalog of a series of some of YouTube’s best guided meditation sessions.

Guided meditation for abundance

Guided Meditation for Abundance, Wealth, and Happiness

Meditation and visualization are some of the most powerful strategies for molding our reality into the shape we wish for it to take.  There are thousands of documented case studies and testimonies of people who have successfully achieved incredible wealth, healed from seemingly impossible conditions, and had mind-boggling transcendental experiences that changed their life. Throughout human...

Tune into Your Future Guided Meditation with Dr. Joe Dispenza

This guided meditation for tuning into your future is hosted by one of the world’s foremost experts on meditation, Dr. Joe Dispenza.  His meditations and workshops have helped tens of thousands of people realize their dreams and overcome impossible health conditions.  In this session, he will guide you into the void to begin working on...

meditation music for sleep featured image

Meditation Music for Sleep – Empowered Sleep Meditation with Affirmations

In our constant daily struggle with the hormones of stress, it can sometimes be exceedingly difficult to coax our mind and body into settling down enough for a deep, restorative sleep.  Because of this, many choose to use medication or alcohol to relax enough to sleep.  Unfortunately, these methods are generally ineffective at placing us...

The power of affirmations

Affirmations to Reprogram Your Subconscious During Sleep

Affirmations can be an immensely powerful method for reprogramming your subconscious mind if they are done while in the appropriate mindset.  In order to ensure that they are optimally effective, you must first prime your brain to be open to receiving them. The below video includes a very powerful set of affirmations that you can listen...

Rest and Renew – Free Mindful Meditations by Dr. Joe Dispenza

On occasion, Hay House will release outstanding mindful meditations and can be used in your daily life. In this meditation, hosted by Dr. Joe Dispenza, you will be led to opening the space in every part of you in order to expand your awareness and connect with the present moment.  Joe Dispenza’s use of...

Meeting Your Higher Self – A Guided Meditation

Recently, I have done a lot of research on people who have undergone past life regression hypnosis, or Quantum Hypnotherapy Sessions (QHHT).  As I have reviewed dozens of recorded sessions, I have noticed that there is a number of common themes with regards to how our soul interacts with the physical body here on Earth. ...

person sleeping

Guided Sleep Meditation with Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra, one of the worlds foremost metaphysical scientists and meditation experts, guides you into a rapid deep, restorative sleep in this guided sleep meditation.  Meditation is a much more natural and effective tool to combat insomnia and troubles sleeping than most prescription medications.  Additionally, there is mountains of scientific evidence of the benefits of...

hand holding new earth

New Earth Activation Meditation

There are 2 forces at work in the world right now, and it is not necessarily good vs. evil.  The first force is the old 3rd dimensional though patterns that are being fed by today’s media.  Looking through the lens of our media, it appears that we world is crumbling before our eyes.  We are...

angel observes planet and star

Connecting with Spirit Guides and Angels Meditation

This is a fairly short 18-minute meditation that will help you pause and reach a place of peace and love in order to help you connect with your spirit guides and angels. The music that is used in this meditation is designed to help you reach a quiet and calm place in your mind which...

sun rises over beautiful landscape

The Power of Positive Thinking Meditation by Deepak Chopra

Everyday at 7:00am PST, Deepak Chopra will host a guided meditation on the power of positive thinking. In today's world, when tensions seem to be at their peak and unrest appears to be abound, it's essential that we maintain our inner peace and spread love and understanding to all of those around us. ...