The Law of Attraction

Videos and instruction on the Law of Attraction and how to apply it to your life.

Understanding the power of the quantum mind

Understanding the Power of Your Quantum Mind

One of the main reasons for Dr. Joe Dispenza’s popularity in the Law of Attraction community, is that he takes the time to do the research required to demystify the processes and formulas he teaches.  He directs a large portion of the money he makes in his events and online courses to scientific research in...

Elevated Emotions and the Law of Attraction

Using Elevated Emotions to Attract a Better Life

How you think, how you act, and how feel determine your vibrational frequency. That frequency attracts the energies that will eventually bond together to form the conditions of your outer reality.  In order to change your outer reality, you will have to make lasting changes to the fundamental components of your vibrational frequency. On the surface...

using heart intelligence to connect to your higher self

Using Heart Intelligence to Tune Into Your Higher Self

Although the idea of ‘thinking with your heart’, or ‘following your heart’ is not a new concept, there was no scientific evidence that the heart played any role in mental processing until recently.  In 1991, Dr. J. Andrew Armour of the University of Montreal, discovered a group of about 40,000 neurons that he termed, ‘The...

meditating at sunset

Using Transcendental Meditation to Awaken Your Higher Self

Overcoming the part of yourself that tends to sabotage your forward progress can be exceedingly difficult – but it does not have to be.  If you are reading this, you are highly likely in an epic battle.  It is a battle between your past self and your future self – who you were, who you...

man breaking through his walls

Manifestation Blocks and How to Overcome Them

In today’s modern society, with all our technology and ability to obtain knowledge and products nearly instantaneously, we have become accustomed to rapid results when we request something. When people first become aware of the Law of Attraction and begin using it, they tend to get frustrated when things do not happen for them right...

mystical mirror of young girl

Reprogramming Your Reality

The images that we produce in our minds, whether positive or negative, create footprints in the neurological structure of our brains, and generate fields of energy that attract the set of circumstances in our reality that is equal to the frequency of those thoughts.  As you begin to fully understand this, you will realize the...

Sunset over spring morning

The Mechanics of The Law of Attraction

Many people are aware of the Law of Attraction, but few really understand how the law really works.  Often people will spend countless hours visualizing and imagining the desire they’re attempting to manifest, only to find themselves asking why it’s not working.  If you find yourself asking this question, then it’s likely that despite your...

Happy woman standing on beach during sunset

You Attract What You Think About – Like It or Not

What does it take to actually manifest your desires?  Are your thoughts getting in the way of bringing about the life you want to create? If you’ve ever become lucid in a dream, you are well aware of how quickly you can change the circumstances of the random set of events that are occurring within your...

scenery in yellowstone national park

Change Your Perception, Change Your Reality

Most everyone is keenly aware of the drastic changes that are occurring around the world this year.  More has happened in the last 6 months than has happened in the last 5 years.  The changes are scary for some, exciting for others.  It depends on your perspective and how you choose to look at what’s...