
In this section, we will introduce you to dozens of videos from top influencers in consciousness and metaphysical research from all walks of life. We will explore topics ranging from Law of Attraction, Meditation, and even the Paranormal. We hope you enjoy it!

heart flower hanging from branch

Live.hearts Lovestream Hosted by Gregg Braden

This is part 1 of a 2 part live stream event hosted by Gregg Braden and “All Hands and Hearts” founder Petra Nemcova.  This livestream event will included a virtual who’s who of spiritual and personal development, as well as leading scientists in the arena of human consciousness.  They come together at this time in...

sign of creating the future

Recognizing Your Creative Power

Many of us are facing very unique and unfamiliar situations in our lives right now.  The emergence of COVID-19 has fostered radical change in our society around the world.  Change like this is difficult for many of us to adjust to because our once stable daily lives have been transformed into something we no longer...

person walks toward earth

Harness Your Energy to Awaken Your Mind – Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dolores Cannon stated in her book, "The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth", that as we begin to notice the ascension of human consciousness into the New Earth, we will notice the physical effects as our vibrations and frequencies increase. 2020 has been a crazy year. We're only half way through...

person observes night sky

How the Universe is Always Opening Door for You

At times, everyone occasionally becomes susceptible to allowing themselves to feed into the perception that things are not going well or they are not progressing at all.  When this happens, we become discouraged and begin to question whether or not the universe is working on our behalf.  It’s at moments like this that we must...

shadow of person overlays planet

Recognizing Signs from the Creator

As we begin to break through the barriers that keep us disconnected from our higher selves, we begin to see subtle synchronicities that indicate that our connection is growing. It's during these moments when we are reminded that our efforts are not in vain. This is when we know that the magic is...

numbers circle womans face in space-time

Creating Positive Expectation

Many of you are really struggling today thanks to the effects of COVID-19 and its impact on the global economy.  If you’ve seen my prior post “Stepping into the Unknown”, you’re probably already aware that I am struggling through some challenges as a result of it as well. I’ve found that one of the most difficult...

man floats while meditating

The Incredible Power of Belief

Many people live their lives never realizing just how powerful they really are.  They chug along in their lives under the false understanding that they are victims of circumstance and that things happen to them, rather than because of them.  Our beliefs are so powerful, that they can imprison us. In the following speech by Gregg...

woman opens door in field

Wayne Dyer – Six Lies that Block Your Spiritual Awakening

Throughout our lives we are taught things about our personalities and identities that serve as a hindrance to our spiritual development. We are taught how to act, what defines us, and what we are supposed to say and do to maintain our reputation.Typically, spiritual awakenings happen as a result of prolonged...

shadow of person meditating at dusk

Overcoming Yourself During Quarantine – Dr. Joe Dispenza

It is said that if you want to solve a problem, you cannot do it from the same mindset that creating the problem in the first place.  This applies to the circumstances in our outer reality as well.  If we want to change the circumstances of our lives, we must change our personality. During these times,...

man and child walk on train tracks at sunset

GOLOV-20 Message from Dr. Joe Dispenza

In Dr. Joe's message below, he provides us with an update on the status of his GOLOV-20 movement. Thanks to all of the efforts of people who have participated in this, we have successfully exceeded the target of 500,000 people affected by this work.As Dr. Joe mentions, this is an ongoing work,...