
In this section, we will introduce you to dozens of videos from top influencers in consciousness and metaphysical research from all walks of life. We will explore topics ranging from Law of Attraction, Meditation, and even the Paranormal. We hope you enjoy it!

Unraveling the Mysteries of Mind and Reality | A Journey Through Quantum Physics and Consciousness

Have you ever considered the possibility that your thoughts could shape the world around you? In my latest video, "Beyond Imagination: The Science of Thought-Controlled Reality," we delve into this fascinating concept, exploring the cutting-edge of scientific research that suggests our brains might function akin to quantum computers.1. The Quantum Mind HypothesisIn a groundbreaking study...

Scientific Proof of Your Supernatural Potential

Exploring the Edge of Perception: Is Supernatural Within Us All?

In a world teeming with undiscovered phenomena, the concept of 'supernatural' abilities has often been relegated to the pages of fantasy and science fiction. But what if there's a sliver of truth to these fabled powers? Our latest deep-dive video explores the tantalizing possibility that these extraordinary capabilities might just be an intrinsic part of...

The Alchemy of Mind

Alchemy of the Mind

Discover the transformative power of affirmations and meditation in our latest video, where cutting-edge neuroscience meets ancient wisdom to unlock the secrets of shaping your reality. This compelling guide reveals how the simple act of positive self-talk, combined with the mindful art of meditation, can rewire your brain, elevate your spirit, and set the foundation...

evolving beyond societies programming

Evolving Beyond Societies Programming

When a caterpillar wraps itself in a cocoon to begin it metamorphosis into a butterfly, the rearrangement of its cells can make its body look unrecognizable in the midst of its transitional phase.  However, what we may see as chaos, is in reality a highly organized process of evolution.  In today's world, we are seeing...

Hacking reality

Hacking Reality – How to Create from the Field

When we want something, whether it’s a new house, a new car, etc., we typically create a plan, identify goals, and build a budget that will help us to achieve that desire.  This process can take months or years to complete, depending on how diligent we are at adhering to the plan we’ve put into...

attracting positive energy

The Art of Attracting Positive Energy

Is it possible to control the actions of others using the Law of Attraction?  Is it possible for someone else to control you using it?  Since a large part of our experience involves the actions of others within our sphere of influence, it is easy for us to blame unpleasant circumstances, experiences, or negative emotions...

Understanding the power of the quantum mind

Understanding the Power of Your Quantum Mind

One of the main reasons for Dr. Joe Dispenza’s popularity in the Law of Attraction community, is that he takes the time to do the research required to demystify the processes and formulas he teaches.  He directs a large portion of the money he makes in his events and online courses to scientific research in...

Elevated Emotions and the Law of Attraction

Using Elevated Emotions to Attract a Better Life

How you think, how you act, and how feel determine your vibrational frequency. That frequency attracts the energies that will eventually bond together to form the conditions of your outer reality.  In order to change your outer reality, you will have to make lasting changes to the fundamental components of your vibrational frequency. On the surface...

using heart intelligence to connect to your higher self

Using Heart Intelligence to Tune Into Your Higher Self

Although the idea of ‘thinking with your heart’, or ‘following your heart’ is not a new concept, there was no scientific evidence that the heart played any role in mental processing until recently.  In 1991, Dr. J. Andrew Armour of the University of Montreal, discovered a group of about 40,000 neurons that he termed, ‘The...