abundance mentality word cloud - handwriting on a napkin with a cup of coffee
I have found that there is a subtle misunderstanding about the Law of Attraction. It is one that can sneak up on you like a thief in the night if you are not careful. As you begin to work with the energies and frequencies responsible for the utilization of this law, it’s important that you fully understand the potential pitfalls and hidden traps that could sneak up on you in order to ensure that you are not creating a set of circumstances that are working against you rather than for you.
When I was just beginning my studies in this topic, I was initially under the impression that this law was something that would stay dormant until I began to tap into it and begin using it. The fact is, this law is always at work in your life, whether you are aware of it or not. It is also extremely important that you understand that it is working in both positive and negative ways. A failure to truly understand this will ultimately lead you to believe that it is not real and that things happen as a result of some unseen force outside of your control.
The biggest trap that causes many people to fail to use the Law of Attraction successfully is a failure to understand this:
Whatever frequency you align with most of the time is the frequency that will ultimately manifest in your life.
In other words, if you spend 49% of your time tuned into the vibrational frequency of your desire, and 51% of your time tuned into the vibrational frequency that it is not going to happen, then the latter will manifest. The thing is – you may already be at a disadvantage without even knowing it.
Most people, by the time they have reached roughly 35 years of age, their life has become a set of automatic thoughts, habits, and behaviors. Everyday they wake up and do the same things, think the same thoughts, and create the same outcomes in their life. In fact, 95% of who you are by the time you are 35 years old has become an automatic subconscious program. Your subconscious mind is 30,000 times more powerful than your conscious mind – so even if you are focusing all of your conscious thoughts on your manifestation, your subconscious beliefs could be eclipsing all of your efforts and driving you towards an outcome you do not want. You are quite possibly at a serious disadvantage here unless you figure out how to teach your subconscious mind to work on your behalf.
Mastering this aspect of yourself is the primary ingredient to use the Law of Attraction successfully in your life. You must find a way to tune yourself into the vibrational frequency of your desire and remain there consciously and subconsciously most of the time. The more you can remain in tune with that desire, the faster it will happen for you. Here are some of the methods that you can use right away to get your subconscious to work on your behalf:
Guess what? Your subconscious mind cannot differentiate between a real event and an imaginary one. This gives you a significant advantage. You can create incredibly positive scenarios within your imagination that lead to the reprogramming of your subconscious experience, and ultimately raise your vibration. You do not need meditation to do this. Just take a 5-10-minute timeout at various points throughout your day to imagine how your life will be once you have reached your desire. Do not worry about how you are going to get there, or what circumstances must unfold to make it happen. Only focus on the result. The universe will work to setup the circumstances necessary to bring your desire to fruition. Most of the time it will happen in a way that you did not expect, so trying to imagine the circumstances necessary to create the outcome will be counterproductive.
If you have read any of my other articles, you are accustomed to hearing this from me. Through meditation you accomplish a multitude of things that are extremely beneficial mentally, physically, and spiritually. By simply clearing your mind and focusing on the present moment you open your mind up to limitless possibility. Even if you do not experience anything transcendental or mystical during your meditation you have accomplished something very profound – you have stopped focusing on the things that create resistance in your life. Since you are no longer focusing on the things that create resistance, you have put yourself into a state of receivership. Frankly, for some people, meditation may be the only way they can successfully do this.
There is no hard and fast rule for when you should meditate and for how long. Various teachers throughout the world have differing opinions on when and for how long this should occur. I would like to suggest that any meditation, at any time, for any length of time, is better than no meditation at all. You should figure out for yourself what is most effective for you. I will say this, however – there will come a moment when you will come face to face with yourself. In that moment, you will be tempted to quit. You may feel angry, helpless, frustrated, or any number of negative feelings. When this happens, I urge you to push a little further. When you think you cannot go any further, push a little more. It is in moments like these that the real breakthroughs occur – when you transcend your physical and mental limitations and are shown just how magnificent you really are. When you push past this point, be prepare for something truly extraordinary.
Anytime you change a routine, you are throwing your subconscious into programming mode. That is because your subconscious does not know what to expect, so it relinquishes the automatic program and turns on learning mode. This is the perfect time to write a program that is helpful for you. Think about the things you are grateful for. Resist the urge to check in with social media, think about your daily stresses, etc. This may sound simple, but your subconscious mind is going to fight you at every pass. One of the primary purposes of your unconscious mind is to protect you from danger, and it interprets unknown/unpredictable events as threatening. Even something as simple as altering your morning routine can throw your subconscious into chaos. When you first start doing this, you will sense an inner resistance that you cannot explain. Things will feel ‘off’ and unfamiliar, and you will have a deep desire to return to the normal routine. This is where most people fall off the wagon. When they return to their normal routine, they feel better and think that it feels right. The truth is – it feels familiar. It feels familiar because, in that typical routine, your subconscious knows what to expect – whether it is good for you or not. If you succumb to this temptation, you will fail to create anything new in your life. Nothing new can be created by making the same choices and following the same routine that you did the days, weeks, months, and years before. Dive into the unknown with the understanding that it is the best place to create a new life. Eventually the temptation to return to the old will dissipate, and when it does, you have succeeded in rewiring your internal circuitry.
Set aside some time to assess how you did throughout your day. Think about the things you did well and the things you could improve on. Rehearse your response to the things you can improve on so that next time you are faced with that situation you will respond in a way that benefits you. As I mentioned before, this will be a major change of pace from your usual nightly routine, which is going to throw your subconscious into a chaotic state – initially. Do not let your subconscious control your choices – you are the master of you. Every time you settle your mind down and bring it back to the present moment, you are telling your subconscious that you are in control. You must stay steadfast and stubborn with your intent at a level of mind greater than the automatic programming of your past. Eventually the resistance will subside.
If you read this far into this article, I hope you were able to pickup on the important themes of the message I am trying to share. Successfully becoming the creator your life means that you must find a way to remove resistance, rewrite your internal subconscious programming, and completely trust that the universe will deliver your desires to you. The law of attraction will continue to work in your life whether you believe it exists or not. Whatever you focus on, or give your energy to, will ultimately manifest in your life. You can either create the circumstances that you want, or you can become a victim of those circumstances. The choice is yours – and there is true power in understanding that you have a choice.
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Excellent article my friend, your blogs are an inspiration to many people. Thank you.
Thank you very much! Yours are as well - keep up the good work!