The Law of Attraction Meditation for Rapid Manifestations
Since the release of the movie “The Secret”, the law of attraction has become a common topic of discussion within the spiritual community. While the movie did an excellent job of introducing the concept to the masses, it did not contain a great deal of actionable information to help you make use of the law. Visualization was the main focus of the movie, but there are much more powerful tools available – most notably, meditation.
The Law of Attraction Meditation technique outlined below is meant to help assist you to make effective use of the law and increase your likelihood of success. We’ll start by giving you a brief overview of how this manifestation meditation works and why it will be effective in helping you to meet any law of attraction goal you desire.
Why the Law of Attraction Works
First, to understand how and why the law of attraction works, we must first understand a few key points:

- Time does not exist – This is a well-documented scientific fact. At the quantum level, time does not exist. It is merely a mental construct of our minds.
- Multiple dimensions of reality do exist – More and more, science is beginning to uncover the fact that there are multiple versions of reality. In other words, there are an infinite number of ‘yous’ acting out all possible experiences that your life could have contained.
- We are energetic beings – Your physical senses tell you that you are solid and that the world around you is solid. However, everything you perceive outside of you is energy. If your physical eyes could see things as they actually are, the world around you would look vastly different.
The reason it is important to understand the points above, is because your ability to manipulate your reality depends, in large part, on the level of frequency you are vibrating at energetically. As you begin to manifest your desires with this meditation, you will be tapping into your future which, according to quantum physics (which stipulates that the past, present, and future are all happening at the same time), is happening right now. Essentially, we are going to help you to remember your future so vividly, that you will have no doubt that it is happening.
Since there are an infinite numbers of ‘yous’ acting out an infinite number of possible outcomes in your life, then it is our goal through the law of attraction meditation, to help you tune your vibrational receiver to the version of reality that supports the goal you wish to manifest.
How Your Vibration to Affects Your Manifestations

Since we now know that the Law of Attraction is all about vibration and frequency, the next thing you need to understand is how this affects your ability to manifest quickly. The best way to gauge the frequency of your vibration is to assess how you are feeling right now. If your emotional state is negative, sad, frustrated, or angry, then your vibrational state is low. In this state, the law of attraction is still working, but what you are attracting will be of a nature that matches your current vibration. In other words, you will attract more things that are consistent with the feelings of frustration or anger.
The goal of the law of attraction meditation is to raise your frequency by assisting you to connect with elevated emotions that are equal to the vibrational frequency of the things you wish to attract. In the law of attraction, like attracts like. So it is important to find a way to begin feeling the emotions that you would feel once your manifestation has arrived. Meditation is arguably the most effective tool for raising your vibration. By disconnecting from your outer environment and turning your attention inwards, you will be able to connect with the essence that is you. It is in this place that creation is possible.
Preparing for Your Meditation
Preparing for your meditation is an important step in ensuring that you are clear about your intentions and what you wish to gain from your session. Here are a series of things you can do prior to your meditations to effectively create the outcome you are seeking.

- Choose Your Music: Whether you choose to listen to music during your meditation or not is entirely up to you. However, there has been research to show that certain types of music, specifically complex mathematical music without words, breaks, or pauses, is very effective at assisting you in developing the brainwave patterns necessary to reach deep states of trance without falling into deep sleep. Here is some recommended music that is very effective: Meditation Music
- Eliminate Light: The level of light in the room or environment you are meditating in also plays a huge role in the quality of meditation you encounter. There are light receptors in your eyes that, when light is detected, they send a signal to the pineal gland that instructs it to begin producing serotonin. While serotonin serves several purposes, it main function is to serve as a stimulant to wake you up from your slumber. As a result, this causes your brainwave patterns to begin speeding up. By eliminating light, either by using a sleeping mask or some other method, your pineal gland will begin to produce melatonin. Melatonin will help to slow your brainwave patterns down, getting you to the optimal state for effective meditations. Here are a couple of highly rated Bluetooth sleeping masks that will help eliminate light from reaching your eyes, that are also equipped with a comfortable set of Bluetooth headphones to play your meditation music: Bluetooth Sleeping/Meditation Mask
- Choose a time to meditate: Choose a time of day where your brainwave patterns are already in the optimal frequency. This typically right as you wake up in the morning, or late at night right before you fall asleep. At these moments, your brain is beginning to slow its frequency down in preparation for sleep or speeding up to wake up for the day. If you can catch yourself in the optimal moment, getting into a deep trance state will be extremely easy.
- Clearly identify the experience you want to have: You can do this step once for each manifestation. Think and visualize, as specifically as possible, the thing you wish to manifest or the experience you would like to have. Be careful to only imagine the end-result – don’t get caught up in all of the steps you think are required to get there. The universe works in mysterious ways, so your end result is almost certainly going to manifest in ways you never thought possible. Be as specific as possible. Once you have your intention clear in your mind, write down a letter or symbol on a piece of paper that symbolizes that outcome. Finally, list the emotions you will feel once that experience has manifested in your life. Connecting with the emotions of your experience is critical in this process. You have to feel, energetically, like the experience is already happening.
The Law of Attraction Meditation
Try to set aside a section of your day to allow at least 1-2 hours for the most effective meditation. I understand this may sound like a great deal of time, but when you begin to see the results of this meditation, you will look forward to this time every day. If you are struggling to find the time for this, try starting with a daily 15 to 20-minute session. Something is better than nothing, and you will get better as you practice.

Make sure to find a quiet, secluded place that does not have any distractions. Make sure your cell phone or alarm clocks are set to silent mode. You will be meditating in a seated position, so find a nice comfortable chair with your back straight, or sit on the floor with your legs crossed and a pillow under your hips for comfort. The key is to keep your back as straight as possible.
- Step 1 – Close your eyes and take a deep, slow breath. Place your attention on the area where your hearth is located and imagine that as you breath, your breath is flowing in and out of this area in your chest. Concentrate on allowing your breath to become slower and deeper. Feel your body relaxing as you do this. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to focusing on your breath flowing in and out of your heart area. Continue doing this for 5-10 minutes.
- Step 2 – Next, place your focus on the space in your head, between your eyes. As you concentrate on this area withing your head, feel the energy of the space within this area. As the energy of this space increases, feel your awareness begin to expand to the space beyond your head, encompassing the entire room that you occupy. Then, allow your consciousness to expand to encompass the entire Earth, solar system, and galaxy until you have expanded your awareness into the infinite void where all possibilities exist. If your thoughts become distracted, just return to the present moment and expand your awareness back into the void. The more you do this, the more you are training your subconscious mind to submit to your conscious will. Stay here for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Step 3 – As you are losing yourself within the infinite void, try to think about the symbol you created that represents the manifestation/experience you desire. Understand the energy you created and invested in this symbol is now being radiated into the universe. Become aware of the attractive force that is drawing your desired outcome to you. Feel that energy all around you and within you. Stay present with that energy and don’t force anything. Just allow it to happen.
- Step 4 – As you become embraced in the energy of your future, begin to visualize that future experience with the full force of your mind. Think about the events that are occurring in that future scenario as if they have already occurred – as if they are a memory. Remember everything you chose to do after you received your manifestation. Remember all of the positive things that have resulted from achieving your manifestation. Allow yourself to fully experience the emotions that result from your manifestation. Allow yourself to feel every possible detail of that experience, right down to how the air feels and smells, how the ground feels under your feet, the embrace of anyone that may be in your memory, or the feel of the keyboard, mouse, or smartphone in your hand as you check your bank account balance. Immerse yourself in the experience like you are actually there.
- Step 5 – When you have fully experienced the fruits of your manifestation, imagine the full scope of those experiences are contained within a bright ball of light. Then allow that ball to expand and radiate out into the vast expanse of the universe. Let it go and trust in the power of the universe to bring this experience to you.
- Step 6 – Finish your meditation in a deep state of gratitude for all of the things the universe has delivered to you and will be delivering to you. Allow the power of your gratitude to grow as you think about everything in your life that you are grateful for, including all of the things that are yet to come. Feelings of gratitude for things yet to come places you in a state of receivership and increases the attractive force between you and your manifestation. The longer you can feel gratitude, that more you are drawing that future to you.
- Step 7 – Finally, allow your consciousness to come back to the waking state of reality. Realize that as you come back to this state, sense that your reality has shifted to match the state of reality of your desires. You have now become the essence of that future self. As you progress through your day, continue to feel and be the essence of the future self throughout your day. As you do this, you will begin to notice coincidences and synchronicities occurring that will guide you to your desired future. Allow the magic to happen.
If you feel like you are losing touch with that future self at any point as you progress through your day, simply take a few moments to sit down and quiet your mind and bring it back to the present moment. Then reconnect with your future self and all of the emotions experienced by that future self. Once you’ve fully reconnected, resume with your day.
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