From a very early age, most of us were taught that in order to achieve greatness, we need to work extremely hard, earn expensive degrees, and be more intelligent than the majority of humanity.  Either that, or we need to have the good fortune to have been born in a wealthy family or marry into one.  In our three-dimensional reality, most of these things are going to take time and effort.  This is because we are matter trying to change matter, and in Newtonian physics, this is a time-consuming process.  After we have invested decades of blood, sweat, and tears to achieve our goals, we are too exhausted to enjoy the fruits of our labors.

The Quantum Field

As many scientific experiments have shown, we are more than just matter.  There is a greater part of us that is connected to a field of information that is beyond space and time.  It is here that everything is interconnected in oneness.  Abraham Hicks refers to it as the Vortex.  Dr. Joe Vitale calls it the Zero Point.  Dr. Joe Dispenza calls it the Quantum Field.  Despite its many names, it is essentially a realm that allows us to connect energetically with all possibilities across space and time.

In order to create from this place, we need to achieve a state of mind where we are disconnected from everything that is known to us.  We must disassociate ourselves from our identity, our location, our time, and our environment.  We must become pure consciousness – and that’s why meditation is such a critical practice.

According to Abraham Hicks, each one of our desires exists as a possibility within this field as a sort of vibrational escrow.  This is based on the idea that all objects that currently exist in 3D reality began as a thought.  In order to access your vibrational escrow and manifest your desires into this dimension, you need to connect with this field.  Once you have successfully connected, you need to maintain this state of being throughout your day.  Your emotions serve as a sort of guidepost to help you identify if you are maintaining this connection.  A person who is experiencing joy, love, gratitude and a general feeling of well-being is connected.  Feelings of fear, anger, frustration, guilt, hatred, resentment, etc. serve as a sign that you are no longer connected to the field.

Image by Olya Adamovich from Pixabay

I am not suggesting that it is not alright to experience those emotions.  Everyone does.  Emotions are the product of outside events.  The key, however, is how long are you going to maintain that emotional state?  For example, the chemicals released into our body when we experience anger as a result of an outside influence wear off in 1 ½ to 2 minutes.  After that, any additional chemicals being released into our body are either a result of us replaying the event in our minds (leading to the release of additional chemicals in the bloodstream), or we’re faking it.  When we experience those negative emotions, our sympathetic nervous system takes over and we effectively enter a primitive survival mode.  This is our ‘fight or flight’ response that is meant to help protect us from a perceived outside threat.  We draw energy from our outer field and become hyper-focused on our three-dimensional environment.  While we are in this state, there is no possible way to connect with the Quantum Field.  If we’re begin chased by a predator or someone intent on doing us harm, then this response is our best chance for survival.  In contrast, we might experience the same emotions if our neighbor cuts down our favorite tree because it obstructed his view.  In this moment, it’s important that we take a moment to separate ourselves from the situation and quiet our minds.  This will allow the chemicals in our body to dissipate completely, and as we focus on higher emotions, we will reconnect to the field and regain a sense of peace and joy.

I understand this is much more difficult than it may seem.  Our reaction to our neighbor cutting down our tree is an inherent response based on a program that has been written and refined within our subconscious over many years.  The resulting thoughts and behaviors have become a part of our identity and we’re essentially addicted to those stress hormones.  As the feud with our neighbor extends over days, weeks, months, or years, we form an energetic bond with him.  Essentially, we unwittingly allow him to rob us of our energy.  This is vital energy that we could be using to focus on creation.

Take Control of Your Reality

To change, we need to change our identity and create a new personality.  When we properly and consistently connect to the quantum field, we begin to see minor shifts in our life.  As we ditch the old personality in favor of a new one, we begin to see the effects of those changes reflected in our outer environment.  The key is to get beyond the memory of yourself as a personality and, through interaction with the Quantum Field, connect to a new future.  As you consistently do this, the changes will start to unfold into your waking life.  One day, our neighbor may approach us to apologize for his behavior, but at that moment it will no longer matter.  This is because we no longer have an energetic bond with that person.  We have successfully changed our vibrational frequency, we’re energetically connected to our vibrational escrow, and we have become the architects of our own future.

This is your reality, and its outcome is in your hands.

Dave Curtis

Meet Dave Curtis—an ordinary man who traded his suburban roots for an extraordinary quest into the mystical. A singular moment sparked a profound awakening, steering him toward the esoteric realms of meditation, astral journeys, and the magnetic pull of the law of attraction. At Quantum Mind, Dave weaves his discoveries into a tapestry of insights, offering a beacon for those yearning to expand their consciousness. Join him as he charts a course through the unseen, with stories and studies that promise not just to inspire, but to ignite a revolution within. Embrace the adventure, elevate your understanding, and transform with every shared revelation. Your odyssey into the vastness of the mind awaits.

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